I’m grateful for flexibility…

cx-flexibility-largeThey say gratitude makes you healthier, so I’m taking a moment to focus on something that I’m grateful for, and for which SuiteCX customers are grateful – flexibility.  No, not the arms and legs kind of flexibility.  That ship sailed many years ago.  I’m talking about the flexibility in our SuiteCX platform.  We’ve built the software to bend when you need to twist it to meet your unique needs, and to be rigid when you need strength and security.  But flexibility is just the tip of the ice berg.  SuiteCX was designed by CX practitioners for practitioners, and allows users to:

  • Diagnose where a company and its customers are in their experience
  • Visualize the customer experience through customer experience mapping
  • Design new and improved customer experiences

Here are some questions we frequently get about the platform:

Do I have to use the whole SuiteCX tool kit to get value from the software?

Nope, its… flexible. We designed SuiteCX for the way practitioners work, you can use bits and pieces or all of it, you can do it in phases or all at once. SuiteCX tools allow practitioners to build a repository of evidence about customers and their interaction with a company/organization; a single complete source of truth about your customer interactions.

Can I customize SuiteCX for my practice needs?

Absolutely. SuiteCX is built to customize. With SuiteCX practitioners can start building evidence in any of three places: a survey result set from the voice of the customer, employee or institution/organization; the customer experience as a map or the initiative process of planning for change. These distinct approaches make SuiteCX very flexible; each starting point feeding the other as needed, or completely separate.

Can I import from companies like survey monkey?

You bet. Our customers do this all the time, and we are here to help get the data in the right format. With SuiteCX, practitioners develop a rich set of segmentation data about the customer, listen to the voice of the customer, visually describe the interaction points, and make decisions to improve the interaction.

Can SuiteCX help me improve our customer experience?

No… just kidding. Yes, SuiteCX will help improve your customer experience in a number of ways. Typically, you might start with the path to purchase as-is state, and then focus on the to-be state. Your to-be state will be experimental and address improved emotional state, improved metrics (such as customer satisfaction score) and shorten the distance between awareness and first purchase.

What kind of maps can SuiteCX create?

You name it, you got it. SuiteCX has many customer experience map styles to help practitioners visualize the customer journey. The most basic are block diagrams SuiteCX calls “grid maps”, which take the shape of columns and rows. Grid maps are useful for creating a collection of interaction points SuiteCX calls “inventory” and showing relationships between IPoints and the path to purchase, barriers to relationship, and key point indicators. Practitioners benefit from a complete collection of interaction points because they can filter the inventory to create more specific kinds of experience maps.

Does SuiteCX do customer journey mapping, customer transformation and customer experience management?

Yes, SuiteCX is a deep, rich, and extremely flexible (I couldn’t help myself) suite of tools that is capable of creating a journey map, modeling customer transformation, and managing customer experience in many areas.

So, I’m grateful for flexibility. No, I still can’t touch my toes, but I’ve got the most flexible customer experience software available, and for that I am very, very grateful…

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